Ceviche also known as cebiche, sebiche or seviche is a dish that consists of fish or shellfish marinated in citrus and various seasonings. Many regions and countries have their own version and some places have claimed to have invented the dish. It has been recognized that the origin is in fact Peru. Common descriptors of traditional Peruvian ceviche are refreshing, light, clean, bright, spicy and delightfully acidic. While the portions can be relatively small, the richness and nutritional content make for a super satisfying dish. The dish originated nearly 2,000 years ago. There are several recipe versions based on preference and regional influences, but we invite you into our kitchen to experience the flavors of our own family’s traditions.
Every Friday from 12:30pm - 1:30pm, inside T. Cook's at the Chef's Table.
$55 Per Person
Book online to reserve your spot for the class, please visit here.